5 Effective ways to deal with Trigger Finger using Hand Exercise and other Home Remedies
Trigger Finger or known medically as Stenosing Tenosynovitis is a common condition experienced by the index, middle, ring fingers and the thumb, that is very uncomfortable and painful characterized by one or more fingers locking when bent, making it difficult to flex or move them. How is it different from...
3 Must Know Hand Exerciser Exercises to Ease Hand, Wrist Pain and Arthritis
Hand and Wrist Pain can come in a variety of cases – each with varying levels of pain that a person experiences. Many conditions can affect our hands and some of the most common include cubital or carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis , tendonitis and RSI (Repetitive Stress...
5 Hand Strengthener & Exercise Benefits and Uses You Should Know
Let’s get everything straight: Among all your muscles, which of them do you use most? Aside from your internal and sensory organs which works involuntarily, which body part has to work hour after hour, day after day? We might hardly notice it but their precious hands who have their hands...
7 Highly Effective Non-Surgical Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Years and years of statistical studies have shown: there is a positive association between highly repetitive work in combination with other job factors and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). It is also interesting to note this Bureau of Labor Statistics (2002) data showing that repetitive motion, such as grasping tools, scanning...
Are You at Risk? 5 Warning Signs that You Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and How to Prevent it
Fact is: Each year, more than 8 million people have been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and surgeries amount to well over 230,000 annually – that’s second to the most common musculoskeletal surgery according to a 2014 study! Even in the 90s, the US Department of Labor has concluded CTS to...